A solution to your service requirements
Have you ever been offered a particular service that doesn’t quite suit your requirements?
Maybe your current care provider is not able or willing to help you with everything you need – shopping or preparing a meal?
Or you have a home help that can’t drive, or provide any care.
You might then have the unwelcome prospect of having to speak to lots of different providers.
Spring’s almost here and there’s the matter of needing to sort the maintenance and gardening jobs that need to be done, routine grass cutting, pruning the roses or planting your favourite perennials for the summer.
Friends Helping at Home offers a highly personable service that’s always built around you – based on your requirements.
We provide every customer and their family with a single point of contact.
A friendly, local professional, with a care and enabling background, on hand when you need assistance.
We can help with the routine as well as the little things that make a big difference in enabling you to live your life at home, in comfort, the way that you want.
We’re not suggesting that the establishment in the photograph would offer a cocktail in a soup bowl…
However, when it comes to finding the right people to do the right jobs you need a trusted professional.
We’re here to help.
Find out more about our at-home care services and get in touch to discuss your individual needs.